Undercliffe Public School

Learning for Life

Telephone02 9558 3432



Undercliffe Public School Anti-Bullying Policy


 Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.


Our consistent message must be that BULLYING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Policy Aims

  • To foster a school culture in which students will feel "safe to tell".
  • Where it is not seen as dobbing to report bullying but an act of respect for yourself and others. If students know that some action will be taken when bullying is reported and substantiated the fear of reprisal disappears.
  • The development of a caring environment where respect for others is fostered and where support is offered to both the victim and the bully.
  • Develop assertive behaviour in students.



According to Professor Ken Rigby from the University of South Australia "Bullying is the repeated oppression of a less powerful person by a more powerful person or group of persons. This may be done physically, verbally or psychologically."

A one off incident is not always bullying.

Bullying behaviour may involve a pattern of:

  • Deliberate tripping;
  • A gang pushing someone around;
  • Taking someone's bag and kicking it around the playground;
  • Name calling;
  • Making insulting remarks;
  • Repeated teasing;
  • Threatening;
  • Sexist and racist remarks;
  • Spreading nasty rumours.

According to Professor Rigby bullying contains seven elements:

  • There is a desire to hurt;
  • The desire is acted on;
  • The action is hurtful;
  • There is an imbalance of power;
  • There is no justification for the action;
  • It is repeated; and
  • The bully enjoys hurting the victim.

The consequences of bullying for both victim and bully can be long term.

  • Both victims and bullies have problems with interpersonal relationships;
  • Victims may suffer depression or nausea, headaches or stomach aches. They need constant reassurance and are afraid of change and taking risks.
  • Bullies generally do not perform to their full potential.
  • Bullies are four times more likely than their peers to end up in court.

Characteristics of bullies:

  • Aggressive behaviour – both inside and outside the home;
  • Over-sensitivity – does the child feel that everyone is "out to get' him or her;
  • Sullenness and apparent unhappiness;
  • Frequent, violent outburst – or a "short fuse";
  • Being difficult to manage and less approachable;
  • Cockiness;
  • Uncharacteristic quietness or depression;
  • Deterioration in schoolwork; and
  • Disturbing stories about the child from other children, their friends or other adults.


Reduction Strategies include

School Discipline Code:

  • Bullying behaviour is not accepted within School Rules;
  • Student behaviour is recorded to note patterns in behaviour;
  • Offenders are removed from the playground for serious or repeated (3) misbehaviour;
  • Limited Playground Program after 3 Detentions;
  • Parents are informed;
  • Referral to School Counsellor;
  • Referral to District Support Team 
  • Suspension


Prevention Strategies

Child Protection Units
These stress that if bullying happens to me there are strategies I can use to take action.

Unit Outcomes

Students can…………

  • recognise a range of bullying behaviours
  • identify the effects of bullying behaviour
  • identify protective and assertive ways to deal with different types of bullying.

Learning Activities

  • What is bullying?
    • Discussions
    • Word webs
    • Use of the dictionary
  • What might a person who bullies look like?
  • What's wrong with bullies?
  • What do you do if someone bullies you?

Suggestions for anti-bullying actions include:

  • Ignore the bully. Go and talk to, or stand with other people;
  • Don't react;
  • Pretend you don't hear or know about what the bully is doing or saying.
  • Don't name call back;
  • Pretend the bully isn't there. Use the "turtle" strategy;
  • Be confident and happy with yourself. Then you can ignore what the bully says, and the results won't matter. They are probably not true;
  • Don't show that you are upset or insult the bully back;

Try to:

  • Agree with the bully – "You might think that". That's your opinion."
  • Stand up for yourself – "You're annoying me, stop it".
  • Tell the bully to go away


    Try not to:

  • Cry
  • Show that you are angry
  • Run straight for the teacher
  • Think that something is wrong with you.
  • Stay with your real friends.

If these strategies don't work, speak out about the bullying to teachers, friends and parents. Most activities emphasise the NO – GO – TELL strategy.


Other Support Programs

  • Physical Education, Health and Personal Development
  • "Bounce Back" Program (2007 implementation)
  • Buddy Program
  • Stop Think and Do Program
  • Cooperative Learning activities
  • Positive Award Program 
  • Core Value time