Undercliffe Public School

Learning for Life

Telephone02 9558 3432


Parents and community

Undercliffe Public School P&C is affiliated to the Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of New South Wales. The P&C has a President and Vice President, a secretary and a treasurer and general members. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month.  The P&C runs a variety of activities to support the school including;


  • Mother's day and Father's day stalls
  • An annual major fundraiser such as a school fair
  • The maintenance of the school garden


The money that the P&C raises is given to the school to purchase resources that will support the learning program chosen by the membership. Recently the P&C has supported the school technology program, performance program and outdoor classroom program. For further information about the NSW Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations visit their website at: http://www.pandc.org.au


We always welcome new members and ideas to help make Undercliffe PS a great place to be.


To keep up with our latest events, join our google group.



What is a P&C Association? (pdf 69 KB)


Roles of the Office bearers of the P&C Association


Role of the President

The President has a responsibility to ensure the successful functioning of the Association, the attainment of its objectives, the responsibility to foster the fair participation of all members and consistent adherence to its constitution. The President presides at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. The duties of the President include preserving order, ruling on contentious matters of procedure and assisting the progress of discussion by preventing irrelevant or repetitious discussion or offensive remarks.

The President may represent the Association at official functions and act as the Association's spokesperson when public statements or actions are appropriate.


Role of the Vice-President

The Vice-Presidents are required to take on any of the Presidential duties defined above when invited to do so by the President or when the President is, for reasons of illness or alternative commitments, unable to undertake those duties. If, for any reason, the President's office falls vacant, one of the Vice-Presidents should act as interim President until a new one is elected.


Role of the Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for the sound financial management of the Association. The Treasurer receives and deposits monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts, in the form of a report, at each general meeting. The Treasurer presents all records for auditing each year and ensures that the audited accounts are tabled for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.

The Treasurer is responsible for the handing over of all financial records, to the incoming Treasurer should the Annual General Meeting decide to elect a new Treasurer.


Role of the Secretary

The Secretary is the principal administrative officer of the Association and is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the meeting - unless otherwise stipulated.

The Secretary prepares, in consultation with the President, all meeting agendas. The Secretary maintains a list of financial (voting) members.

The Secretary is also required to attend every Association meeting and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a set of minutes for subsequent distribution to members. Minutes should indicate the time, date and location of the meeting, the members in attendance, the apologies accepted, the identity of the Chairperson and record every decision which was supported by majority vote.